Let me not
Let me not
I am the saline water in your pure wine
Let me not
I am the sand in star-dust of your beauty
Let me not
I am the cracked pot of cup-bearer
Let me not
I promise
I promise
I won't drink anymore
the day after
other days of God
Butterfly and Rainbow
I was astonished
after seeing
butterfly begging rainbow
for colors
what a time of hopelessness
This resembles this
that sun begs the moon for light
Weightless heart
Weightless heart
Barefoot on snow
Numbness of eyes
Broken jar of wine
Tasteless art of a child
Caged rain of dark clouds
Vintage unopened love letter
Night full of dreams
Morning full of cold feelings of heartlessness
Your rude beauty
There is lack of honesty in color of your eyes
there is sarcastic manner in every look of you
lips are deceptive in nature
hair is silky in behavior
everything is rude in you
I love to teach them some etiquette under trees of my love.
Lost colors of rainbow
You are the sun which introduced the moon to cold night of winter with bestowals of your pure light, You are the rays which gave life to nectar of chocolate cosmos and four o-clock and later honeybee gave life to sweet honey, honey gave sweetness of throat to lost child of widow.
You are so active particle that loves to participate for creation of every pulchritude creature in the universe.
You are those evaporated colors of rainbow in the galaxy and milky way otherwise how could be possible rainbow!
with 7 colors only?
You are the lost colors of rainbow my friend,
Have you lost your way to home or you are like colors of my eyes in search of colors combinations
If you see
a trace of patience in heart
burn me with sunset
poison me with your liquor
In absence of you
the clarinet, bassoon, sax and flute
where shameful of their naiveness
they were failed many times to make me chuffed
The time when moon went to the day
my heart as a starry night
became the aboe, cello and violin.
Sun and Moon
Appearance of moon at day
either insult for sun
affront for the night
night is lacking behind in love
as compared to day
maybe sun's light became too dim
can't hide face of moon
moon fell in love with fragrance of wild roses of spring
and night causes hindrance
that is why came for day only to see those roses of heaven
by sun's begged light.
I love this story of hopelessness.
Let me not
I am the saline water in your pure wine
Let me not
I am the sand in star-dust of your beauty
Let me not
I am the cracked pot of cup-bearer
Let me not
I promise
I promise
I won't drink anymore
the day after
other days of God
Rose water and Wine
Rose water
I select my patched shoes
to walk to you and to you
Season of rose
Season of roses
To the wine's drunkard
Have first sip of your part
Leave the rose water
Here is the eyes full of bitter liquor
Season of roses
Have your part
Little less of patience
Little more of impatience
Leave patches of your dress
Have some sew at your heart's
Season of roses
Butterfly and Rainbow
I was astonished
after seeing
butterfly begging rainbow
for colors
what a time of hopelessness
This resembles this
that sun begs the moon for light
Weightless heart
Weightless heart
Barefoot on snow
Numbness of eyes
Broken jar of wine
Tasteless art of a child
Caged rain of dark clouds
Vintage unopened love letter
Night full of dreams
Morning full of cold feelings of heartlessness
There is lack of honesty in color of your eyes
there is sarcastic manner in every look of you
lips are deceptive in nature
hair is silky in behavior
everything is rude in you
I love to teach them some etiquette under trees of my love.
You are the sun which introduced the moon to cold night of winter with bestowals of your pure light, You are the rays which gave life to nectar of chocolate cosmos and four o-clock and later honeybee gave life to sweet honey, honey gave sweetness of throat to lost child of widow.
You are so active particle that loves to participate for creation of every pulchritude creature in the universe.
You are those evaporated colors of rainbow in the galaxy and milky way otherwise how could be possible rainbow!
with 7 colors only?
You are the lost colors of rainbow my friend,
Have you lost your way to home or you are like colors of my eyes in search of colors combinations
If you see
a trace of patience in heart
burn me with sunset
poison me with your liquor
In absence of you
the clarinet, bassoon, sax and flute
where shameful of their naiveness
they were failed many times to make me chuffed
The time when moon went to the day
my heart as a starry night
became the aboe, cello and violin.
Sun and Moon
Appearance of moon at day
either insult for sun
affront for the night
night is lacking behind in love
as compared to day
maybe sun's light became too dim
can't hide face of moon
moon fell in love with fragrance of wild roses of spring
and night causes hindrance
that is why came for day only to see those roses of heaven
by sun's begged light.
I love this story of hopelessness.
When I was hummingbird
nectar was enough for my drunkard
now I need something less
something more
little less
little more
make me drunk for decades